A little while ago, Austrian media specialist cyLEDGE
Media has released a new market analysis about product configurators and mass
customization. The Configurator Database Report 2013 is a status quo analysis of 900 international web-based product
The Configurator Database (www.configurator-database.com) was opened in 2007 to give an overview about the world of product configuration. Since then it has been constantly extended and updated and thus grew to the largest collection of web-based customization tools. A lot of those entries were also used for our mc500 study.
Together with his team, Dr. Paul Blazek, CEO of cyLEDGE Media has now published the Configurator Database Report 2013, which contains information about all 900 mentioned configurators. Every configurator is listed with a full profile, including a screenshot and an evaluation of different criteria. Besides basic criteria like industry, product type or country, the report also contains data about visualization type, tutorial, support and social media usage.
“This report is the result of a long and ongoing journey to understand the future of customer and company relationships in the age of customized products and interactive communication”, says Paul Blazek.
The detailed evaluation of all collected data gives very interesting insights on the market of product configuration. A new approach is the examination of the usage of social media in connection with configurators. The analysis shows that more than two thirds of all companies running a configurator have a Facebook site and over the half uses Twitter. It also shows how this number varies according to different countries or industries. Nevertheless, when looking at the intensity of the usage there are a lot of unexploited potentials.
The Configurator Database Report gives a very extensive overview about the whole mass customization market. It is an excellent source to everyone who wants to start an own configurator business or wants to be informed about the fast-moving world of configurators.
The paperback version of the report is available on www.lulu.com. For a preview and further details visit www.configurator-database.com/report2013.