With your tremendous help, our hack has made it amongst the finalists in round one as announced by the jury!!! Thank you to everybody who liked it!
Now we are of course more than enthusiastic to win the challenge. This will, again, only be possible with your help!
One of the key criteria in the final judging for the winners of the Innovating Innovation Challenge will be how finalists further develop their entry in response to the comments and questions from their peers (thats you). Self-evidently, to do this, we need your ideas and comments. These do not have to be extremely elaborated, just give us your thoughts.
Therefore, if you like our proposal and would like to see it win the contest and maybe become a reality, please give us your support one more time by going to the official website and posting your comments and questions in regards to our hack*. We will do our very best to improve our proposal based on your input in this great example of academic open co-creation.
Thank you very much in advance and wish us luck!
* You will have to register on the website to be able to post a comment, it only asks for a name and an email address. This is just to prevent automated spam and increase credibility of the process. Of course it is free and without any strings attached. If you are not already registered on the MIX website, you can do so here and then just head over to our hack, scroll down and add your comment.