You can download this year's Smart Customization Seminar's agenda here!
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and follow our conference twitter hashtag, #SCG12!
Events & Workshops
Custom Education Programs on OI, MC and Innovation Management. Contact us for info!
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Recent Studies & Publications The Market for Open Innovation 2013: Completely new study on open innovation providers and platforms.
Praxishandbuch Technologietransfer: Innovative Methoden zum Transfer wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse in die industrielle Anewndung
The Customization 500: Benchmarking 500 Co-Design Toolkits in MC BtoC eCommerce
Our German book on Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Customer Co-Creation. Reichwald & Piller: Interaktive Wertschoepfung
H. Chesbrough & F. Piller (Eds): Proceedings of the MCPC 2011: All slide sets, papers, and 15+ hours videos of the MCPC 2011!
« European Commission is Funding Research on Mini Factories for Customized, Decentral Production | Main | [Interview] One Just One: Unique 3D Printed, Very Individual Jewelry by Generative Design »
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