What a week! After the great Open Innovation summit at the Imperial College in London, hosted by my dear colleague Prof. Joel West on Monday/ Tuesday and the TTC mid-term event on thursday, last Friday was the great day: The MC2012, greatest MC/OI conference in German language took place in Salzburg, Austria!
It was a wonderful event with a lot of members from the MC/OI "family", friends and experts from many fields of mass customization. And, of course, we were amongst them, too!
Accompanying Stefan Thallmaier (representing Leipzig Grad. School of Management in our cooperative research project KUMAC) and myself, our research group's members Dr. Christoph Ihl, Wolfgang Gruel, Thorsten Harzer, Evalotte Lindgens, Moritz Wellige and Christian Gülpen assembled at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg to speak, listen, network, and exchange on the latest and greatest in MC and UI.
Christoph Ihl, Wolfgang Gruel and Thorsten Harzer also contributed to the agenda, speaking about new findings from our MC/ OI research, the Customization 120 and how Daimler develops customized mobility services as a new offering.
More about their presentations and, of course, the entire conference will follow in another post really soon -- so stay tuned!