In our series of postings introducing companies that performend very well in our Customization 500 study, we are introducing the next mass customizer. Remember: The order of these feature postings is more or less randomly!
A watch can be a fairly important piece of jewlery, especially for a man who, in opposite to his female counterpart, can often not wear too many other decorative objects. An individual watch is hence a really nice addition to your individual style and sets your wrist appart from the standard (and is a great converstation starter at a party). This little bit of individualism can easily cost you upwards of a four-digit number of USD or Euro and is usually reserved for a select few.
However, if you do not mind your watch to lack the logo of a high-class premium brand, fewsome might be worth a look for you. On their website, a nice and even animated configurator lets you build your custom wristwatch by picking all the important parts like movement, case, ring, dials, hands and so on. Choice is plentiful and lets you pick both different designs and colors. The result is a pretty unique watch that you can even have engraved on its back cover.
Time will tell how this business model will evolve and it will certainly be interesting to watch it unfold. But as custom papers have been the subject of one of our first good papers on the subject (the 2004 JPIM paper), I truly believe so :-)
Note: Please see this post for detailed information on how to interpret the above data.