In our series of postings introducing companies that performend very well in our Customization 500 study, we are introducing the next mass customizer. Remember: The order of these feature postings is more or less randomly!
Here in Germany, sunny days are sparse. They only occure on workdays and the sun usually hides behind thick rainy clouds the moment you leave the office. To keep your home free of dirt, doormats are the tool of choice. However, as the saying goes, "there is no second chance for the first impresson". With this in mind - and especially if you get a lot of people to visit you frequently - you might want to fine-tune the first impression of your home by designing your very own custom doormat.
German MC-Company has you covered in this regard, with a wide variety of either pre-designed or personalized mats. Their simple yet efficient configurator lets you pick from a number of templated which you can then customize with your desired size, color, symbols and text and have it shipped to your doorstep - right where it belongs. So if you are considering moving to Germany or do have bad weather of your own, check out their website at
Note: Please see this post for detailed information on how to interpret the above data.