Note: This conference will be held in German language. Find much more info in German language here.
On June 28/29, the German speaking mass customization community will again assemble in the city of fine arts, Salzburg, Austria, for the MC2012, the 10th edition of our German-language mass customization and co-creation community meeting.
Created and organized by my dear collegues Dominik Walcher (University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg) and Paul Blažek (founder/ CEO of cyLEDGE and initiator of the Configurator Database) as well as myself, this edition will be all about strategies to profit from customer integration of various kinds.
The conference will be heading off on Thursday, 28th of June with an intensive workshop conducted by Dominik Walcher and Paul Blažek on principles and practical application of MC and OI. Following the demonstration of the concepts by use of numerous case studies, participants will be invited to and assisted in practicing their newly gained knowledge by employing it on a chosen real life case. This workshop is especially interesting for those not very firm with the MC concept yet and can be booked individually from the second conference day (29th)
On the following day, Friday 29th, the main event will take place in the halls of the University of Applied Knowledge of Salzburg.
Divided into seven panels we will (try to) cover all main aspects of (applied) Mass Customization and Open Innovation. Each panel will consist of presentations by three to four experts from science and business with a strong stressing of professional practicioners from successful MC companies. The will share some of their knowledge, experiences and invaluable tips & tricks on the topics of
- Brands
- New media
- Startups
- Retail and
- Configurators
While these are the main topics, other aspects of successful MC/ OI employment will be part of the presentations as well. As you can see the conference will adress a broad range of aspects to be considered when setting up or expanding one's own innovation strategy, ranging from the underlying design to technical realization, creating a successful brand around the business and finally get customers to actually buy the product.
In addition, we are also organizing an exhibition with numerous MC companies demonstrating their offering.If you are interested in presenting your (MC/ OI/ Co- Creation related) company or institution as part of the exhibition, just send an email to Dominik Walcher for more information on free ehibition space and the possibility to become a conference sponsor with special ways to present yourself.
Special offer:
- Early bird conference rate: Use the early bird ticket offer until the 31st of May.
- MC2012-MC500 Bundle: Get the MC 500 study at a special reduced price. Please do contact Dominik Walcher to inquire about this special offer as well!
In some upcoming posts, we will present the individual panels and speakers in more detail, so stay tuned.
I would be glad to meet you all in person there and discuss the latest development and future perspectives of MC and OI in person! All further info on the MC 2012 conference website.