Following up on the great success of the first "Québec Seeks Solutions" conference in late 2010 I am glad to announce the Call for Problems for the next event, taking place on May 15 - 16, 2012 in Québec City, Canada.
Just like last year, you are invited to submit an actual problems that you could not solve so far. In the true spirit of Open Innovation, we will use the productive atmosphere of the conference to discuss and co-create (the beginning) of a solution for the most interesting problems amongst all participants.
Submitt your problems until January 13th, 2012!
Problems can be submitted within one of three different categories:
- Innovation Problems: These problems are usually upstream of innovation, but have a significant impact on an organization’s innovation capacity. Such problems are economic, organizational, social, or political in nature.
- Industrial Problems: Industrial problems with a strong technical component will be submitted by companies facing innovation problems in new technology development or in product design or improvement.
- Large Scale Problems (with multiple components): At least one large scale problem will be the focus of a group intelligence activity that will involve all participants and will have the potential to advance understanding of the problem. This problem will be submitted by an international organization facing a number of complex innovation issues.
The conference shall become a place where concrete problems of small, medium, and large companies will be discussed to deepen the understanding of the issue and to seek potential solutions. At the same time, this will become a laboratory for experimenting with and implementing open innovation. Participants shall be able to use the intelligence of experts in various fields to find solutions to specific problems.
New in 2012: The main event will be preceded by a seminar on May 14 PM. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about open innovation in the company of the leading experts in the field. Also, a special workshop will be held on May 16 PM around the “seeks solutions” model and how you can use it in your local context. Further details coming soon!
For additional information, visit the Quèbec Seeks Solutions Website and follow us on Twitter (@quebecsolutions)