The 2011 World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation (MCPC 2011): San Francisco Airport Marriot Hotel & Conference Center, November 15-19, 2011 | Download Call for Papers | Submit your Proposal here
The system to submit ypur papers and speaking proposals for the MCPC 2011 is online! The most important information follows below, but you also can download the updated MCPC 2011 Call for Papers here.
The MCPC 2011 wants to engage academics, business leaders, and consultants in fundamental debates through a set of plenary presentations, discussion panels, and paper presentations.
The 2011 conference will consist out of four major elements:
- The "Research and Innovation Conference" is an academic-style conference, with a broad call for papers. All contributions are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. An international program committee and many ad-hoc reviewers support the program chairs with this process. Presentations are organized in parallel tracks, with plenty of time for discussions and feedback. The conference has the policy of "all participants, including presenters, have to pay the registration fee" that is characteristic for academic conferences. This open call for papers & presentations relates to this part of the event!
- The "Business Seminar" provides an innovative platform for managers DOING mass customization and open innovation as the core of their business.
- Networking events: A sponsor's marketplace & exhibition, social events like networking lunches, conference dinners, and cocktail receptions.
- Pre-Conference Show: A press event and pop-up exhibition in a great offsite location.
How to submit your paper and presentation proposal
We invite you to submit your best work, addressing the conference theme along one or more of the questions asked in the detailed call for papers (PDF). We especially seek papers which follow the idea of "engaged scholarship", i.e. which are relevant to both practice and research.
You can submit three types of proposals (Page limits include references and figures):
- Full papers: Max. 10 pages, according to the formatting guidelines ( This is the preferred form of submissions.
- Short papers / extended abstracts for work in progress (3-5 pages), but including comments on the research question, the methodology, data and empirical methods used (if applicable), and a discussion of the results. Please also use the formatting guidelines for preparing your extended abstract (
- Presentation proposals (PPT slides) by managers: In order to accommodate practitioners who have interesting results but are not familiar with writing papers, this alternative way for contributing is offered. Mass customization business proprietors, open innovation project managers, services and technology providers are invited to submit a presentation outline in form of a slide presentation (PPT of max. 20 slides, transferred into PDF).
Please check the detailed Call for Papers for more details on what we expect from a good proposal, how to format your paper, and how to submit it!
To submit a paper (practitioners: presentation proposal), head here.
Important dates
April 7, 2011: Deadline for submissions for paper and presentation proposals (via this online submission system only)
June 15, 2011: Final notification of accepted contributions
Aug. 1, 2011: Presenter registration deadline
Nov 16-17, 2011: MCPC 2011 Business Seminar (optional registration required)
Nov 18-19, 2011: MCPC 2011 Research Conference and Presentation Sessions
More information
- Download full call for papers & presentation as PDF (with much more information!)
- Download MCPC 2011 Conference Briefing - An extended "About the Conference"