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May 16, 2010


Frank Piller

Thanks for the comment! This is exactly one of the three core capabilities of mass customization we have identified in general: solution space development (more: http://tinyurl.com/cngfhq).

A mass customizer must match its assortment options with the real idiosyncratic needs of its customers, specifically, the product attributes along which customer needs diverge the most. (This is in stark contrast to a mass producer, which must focus on identifying central tendencies so that it can target those needs with a limited number of standard products.)

But often this is trial-and-error, starting with too many options a8or too little) and adjusting it to the right space.


Thanks Prof Piller for including us on what is essentially the bible of Mass-Customization and Co-Creation, we're really proud to be included.

Something else we'd like to add that might be useful for the conversation is the amount we've learned about overwhelming choice. We started with far more options, took some away, added more, took some away. Ultimately there isn't a perfect set of options. Instead, we've tried to identify a customer we care about, and offer them a product and a design experience they'd enjoy.

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