The MCPC 2009 just has started. It begun with some hick-ups in the morning, when the conference website server had some problems, but now everything is running well and working.
We are just sitting in the conference pre-workshops. After some introduction by Fabrizio Salvador and myself, we are just working in the three different workshops: (1) Martijn Pater is talking about "Co-Creation and Co-Design with Consumers", (2) Fazleena Badurdeen just is having her "MC Simulation Game", and (3) Mitch Tseng is building with Lego's to explain the advanced basics of "Building up Product Family architectures for mass customization".
Here is the link to the conference web site with all information. And in case you cannot come but want a souvenir, you can create your customized MCPC t-shirt here!!.
More information about the MCPC 2009-- whether you are participating here or just over the internet.Download the full abstracts:
Download MCPC 2009 final program 1 oct 2009
Download the program with locations:
Download MCPC 2009 final abstracts and presentation 1 oct 2009
Map with conference locations: Google Maps
The conference will start today (Sunday) for all participants who registered for the pre-conference workshop at 13:00 (registration starts at 12:30). The pre-workshop takes place at the Design Factory, a Building on the Campus of the Helsinki University of Technology. Address: Espoo, Betonimiehenkuja 5, in Espoo (a suburb of Helsinki)
The opening reception (for anyone) starts on Sunday evening at 18:30 at the Art Museum EMMA at Espoo.
The main conference starts on Monday morning at 9:00 (check in starts at 8:15) at the TAIK - University of Art and Design, Hämeentie 135, Helsinki (in a part of the city called "Arabia").