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October 02, 2009


caller unknown

Wouldn't that be a dream to have any kind of food tailored to our needs! hey you may be right about it being a hedonistic world though, every day I see a lot of self indulgence.

Jonathan Miller

While I hear your concerns on novelty, I think a customizable brand can also have 2 other important value propositions: freshness and taste. One of the core values at our company, Element Bars, is that users can receive their bar in 7-10 days rather than consuming a bar that spends 2-3 months in the distribution channel before even making it to the store shelf.


Dear Prof. Piller,
Thanks for the note!
I agree with your 1) and 2), but what about 3) Everyday consumption? I personally had a favorite chocolate brand, but now that I can create *exactly* what I want with higher quality rather than having to buy off the shelf - my chocolate for everyday consumption became chocri (clearly I'm biased - but we see that apply to others).
Just as I didn't buy miAdidas shows for novelty, but because I expect to run better in them.
And finally, for novelty: chocri allows for more than 10 billion combinations - isn't each of them a "novelty" in itself?

Thank you.

Frank Piller

Hi Carmen, Thanks for the comment ... it was a pity that you could not participate at the MCPC 2009 conference in Helsinki, where we discussed these topics in depth.

I am talking about the economic sustainability of this concept (the ecological is another question). For me, custom chocolate taps into two markets: 1) Novelty seeking, i.e. I just customize a chocolate to see if this could work. The product itself is not so important, but the concept itself. 2) Market for customized gifts. This is a large opportunity, but how often will I gift a custom chocolate bar? Max. once to every friend? ... So there are natural boarders for these kind of hedonistic products ... but until they are reached, however, there are of course some market potentials left.


Thanks so much for the mention, Professor Piller! My name is Carmen, and I am working on chocri's expansion to the U.S.

Your feedback is of course highly appreciated, and we are honored that you portrayed us here. Are you available for a dialogue? I would especially love to learn more about what prompted your comment regarding the sustainability of this concept. If you would, please email me at carmen AT chocri.com.

We also invite all your readers to visit our blog on www.createmychocolate.com/blog and to leave comments, or also to just email me - your thoughts are highly appreciated.

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