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July 27, 2009



I agree with the first comment of jheri, in the next steps of customization processes it should be made possible for the consumers to influence the actual product design. Rather than defining colors or choosing from different options for one or a few products, the product itself should be customizable. Of course this is very difficult to realize from the manufacturers point of view, but I think it would be way more attractive and bring Mass Customization to a new level.

But I don't want to criticize the business model of Dream Heels, actually I like that designers are rewarded for their efforts. I wish them all the best!


I'm a 25 year old women, so I am probably part of the target group.

There have been other companies that have offered custom printing on running shoes, but I have never seen any interest. The shoe design, and not what is printed on it, is what is interesting. This design is very boring.

What happens with street fashion is women find interesting clothing and combine and modify them so they become part of their own style. Shoe painting and hacking is fairly common, but you need to start with a shoe that has the right design for you rather than something this conservative.

I doubt they will do very well.


Interesting, I'm also not part of the target group, I think the idea is good, especially for getting young ladies in the interactive value creation process. The more people getting introduced to such processes the more successful will these competitive strategies be.

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