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January 08, 2009


Martin Stevens

We have just launched the RapMan 3D Printer (see www.rap-man.com), to make the technology accessible to all - at GB£750, it breaks new ground. We call it a 3D Printer as that seems to be an easier to explain term that rapid prototyping, and also more meaningful to most people once understood.


"3D Printing" is the term we use to explain to customers our products printed using ZCorp machines. Most people do not know of 3D Printing. When they know - we will have more sales !

Its best for us to keep it simple. 3D Printing - is a good consumer facing term, which we will continue to use.


Andreas Jaritz

I think we are getting closer to a useful terminology. Thank you for that! I picked up your discussion on our blog http://fluidforms.eu/blog/2009/01/14/a-long-time-ago-in-a-far-far-mass-customization-term-galaxy/ and added let's say some thoughts on the community side (user generated products...). Would be fine to keep on cleaning up the term-mess and put together some kind of folksonomy in mass customization!

Joe Pine

That's exactly how I often resolve questions of terminology: let the Google results decide!

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