Last year, I often showed in my presentations the great trend map created by and Future Exploration Network. They position in form of a subway map the major trends in society, policy, technology, and economy and thus provide a fresh look on these themes. And in case you need any buzzword for your talk or paper, they are all there.
Recently, the 2008 trend map has been published. It is derived from Shanghai’s underground routes. Limited to just five lines, the map uncovers key trends across Society, Politics, Demographics, Economy, and Technology.
Trends mentioned in the map include:
Simplicity, Reality mining, 3-D printers, Personalization, Geospatial web, Networked risk, Data visualisation, Open Innovation, or Constant partial attention.
But it also has nice ideas like Celebrity worship, Female chauvinism, or even Karma capitalism.
For all students, an important disclaimer from the trend map's authors: "Remember that our trend maps are generally for stimulation rather than being taken too seriously… :-)"
The trend map again is released on a Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons license, so readers are free to improve or modify the map!
Download the 2008 trend map as PDF here. The old 2007 trend map can be found here.
Hi Frank, nice roadmap for many purposes ! Still I guess there is one big point missing out. What about C O L L A B O R A T I O N ?. Of course not as a new major buzzword, but as a own goal and probably a main crossroad between all the common and upcomming new trendlines fighting for durable attention regardless how things turn out...
Apart from this smal comment I hope you had a good start into 2008. Things went a bit out of fokus last year, but I`ll stay tuned and connected. Cheers from Berlin, Christian
Posted by: Christian M. Waller | January 28, 2008 at 08:21 AM