The 2007/1 issue of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT features 13 papers on mass customization as part of a special issue on Mass Customization Manufacturing Systems. Thorsten Blecker and Gerhard Friedrich edited the following collection. As with most scientific journals, if you are not a subscriber or IEEE member, or have no access to the journal via your university library, getting access to the papers is very costly.
But here is a list of all articles, abstract are all available for free online:
- Selecting a Customization Strategy Under Competition: Mass Customization, Targeted Mass Customization, and Product Proliferation, by Cavusoglu, H.; Raghunathan, S.
- Product Development Cost Estimation in Mass Customization, by Tu, Y. L.; Xie, S. Q.; Fung, R. Y. K.
- Standardized Configuration Knowledge Representations as Technological Foundation for Mass Customization, by Felfernig, A.
- Management of Product Architecture Modularity for Mass Customization: Modeling and Theoretical Considerations, by Mikkola, J. H.
- The Development of a Component Commonality Metric for Mass Customization, by Blecker, T.; Abdelkafi, N.
- How Small and Medium Enterprises Effectively Participate in the Mass Customization Game
Ismail, H.; Reid, I. R.; Mooney, J.; Poolton, J.; Arokiam, I.
-Changeover Improvement: Reinterpreting Shingo's “SMED” Methodology, by McIntosh, R.; Owen, G.; Culley, S.; Mileham, T.
- Process Platform Planning for Variety Coordination From Design to Production in Mass Customization Manufacturing, by Jiao, J.; Zhang, L.; Pokharel, S.
- A Product and Process Modeling Based Approach to Study Cost Implications of Product Variety in Mass Customization, by Zhang, M.; Tseng, M. M.
- Exploiting the Order Book for Mass Customized Manufacturing Control Systems With Capacity Limitations, by Wikner, J.; Naim, M. M.; Rudberg, M.
- Integrated Configuration of Platform Products and Supply Chains for Mass Customization: A Game-Theoretic Approach, by Huang, G. Q.; Zhang, X. Y.; Lo, V. H. Y.
- Modularity as a Strategy for Supply Chain Coordination: The Case of U.S. Auto, by Ro, Y. K.; Liker, J. K.; Fixson, S. K.
- A Service-Oriented Architecture for Mass Customization—A Shoe Industry Case Study, by Dietrich, A. J.; Kirn, S.; Sugumaran, V.