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October 19, 2006


Patty Seybold

Thanks so much for your kind comments! I certainly learned (and will continue) to learn a lot from you as I continue to explore customer-led innovation in practice.

For readers looking for more of a "framework" -- I would recommend that they read the last chapter first--My blueprint is there. Perhaps I should have put it up front!

I'm also developing a set of tools that go along with the framework. You'll find these being posted over time on the Outsideinnovation.com site. These are self-assessment questionnaires that will help readers figure out where they are on the "customer innovation maturity curve" at least according to the patterns of best practices I've chronicled and formulated to-date, to wit:

-The Five Roles customers can play and that you should harness

-The Five Steps you need to take to unleash customer innovation--the first of which is to identify true "lead users" and engage with them.

-And, the Five Core Competencies I believe you'll need to success...

So, this may not be the kind of adademically rigorous framework you'd like to see, but it's a start!


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