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August 09, 2006


Frank Piller

Thanks for the comment! Indeed, mass customization or personalization services like zafu.com could be a great opportunity for persons with special sizes (small, tall). However, many mass customizers choose to offer only variations within the standard size range to increase effiency. Another missed opportunity, as I believe that persons like you, once they found a supplier offering them great clothes in the correct size, will be realy loyal!


Thanks for the reference to my Zafu review! I'm glad I stumbled upon your site. Because I deviate so far from the mean height of American women (I'm 4'10"), it is particularly interesting to find a resource dedicated to the latest updates in mass customization. Obviously, greater customization is a beneficial perk that helps any sized person, whether for fit or purely aesthetic reason.

One of the possibly unintended side effects is that it enormously aids those of us that are far from a standard size. For us, the lamentable cost of keeping our wardrobe looking correctly sized, through costly alterations and frustrating shopping sessions, has always been an extra tax we're forced to pay to look respectable. The rising tide of customization may indeed raise all ships, but will hopefully lower the relative costs for some of us smaller boats.

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