Volker Junior has been one of the most active players in the German mass customization scene for the last years. His special field of expertise is rapid manufacturing, i.e. the use of rapid prototyping technologies (like laser sintering) for manufacturing purposes. As a former marketing director of EOS, one of the leading equipment manufacturers for rapid manufacturing, he was preparing the market for these technologies.
But now he not just wants to see how others use this technology, but to utilize this technology by himself. He has teamed up with the British company PRIOR 2 LEVEL (P2L) to offer the first fully customizable soccer shoe. The idea was presented already as a concept during our MCPC2005 conference in Hong Kong in October 2005. But last week, the product finally was launched officially at the London College of Fashion last week.
Sure, also Adidas has offered customized soccer shoes which go much beyond the aesthetic design customization of NIkeID and others. However, until now, all mass customization programs for footwear are based on a match-to-order system: Feet of a customer are scanned, and matched to an existing last. In most systems, a different size for the right and left foot is possible, and the library of lasts is much larger than the traditional spectrum, providing a much better fit.
P2L, however, wants to go one step further: The football boot is designed uniquely for each individual player using selective laser sintering to produce truly custom outsoles and hand-crafted one-piece leather uppers. As the U.K. Blog GIZMAG reports:
"The upper is made of exclusively sourced calfskin from Italy which can be manipulated using sophisticated technology to adapt color, appearance and function to the athlete's needs. The outsole is designed using a three dimensional scan of the individual's foot dimensions and unique walking/running style. The bespoke fit of the boot coupled with the hand crafted one-piece upper (negating uncomfortable seams and improving contact with the ball) make for an incredibly light design that preserves energy levels without forsaking protection and comfort. …P2L's system utilizes a biomechanically optimized outsole (the base of the boot) that supports, controls and conserves the player's musculoskeletal system. Individually positioned studs based on the athlete's foot structure minimize peak forces on the foot whilst walking, running and sprinting. P2L develops relationships with players on an individual basis to help reduce injuries, improve comfort and performance over their entire career."
As this quote indicates, the P2L boot is targeting a different segment than Adidas. And despite its high-tech approach, the whole system is much closer to craft customization than true mass customization. However, it is a test of rapid manufacturing technologies for the use in footwear customization. Product development was undertaken in conjunction with the London College of Fashion, Loughborough University's Rapid Manufacture Research Group and EOS GmbH Electro Optical Systems. If this experiment is successful, the development of the underlying mass customization technologies will have made a large step forward.
More information also at Loughborough University's Rapid Manufacture Research Group.
Prior 2 Level custom footwear boots are still in a pilot stage. I do not know if they are in open sale. Contact the founders via the project web site. Or contact Volker Junior, one of the founders (http://www.rm-conference.com/abstract_junior.htm).
Posted by: Frank Piller | May 23, 2007 at 05:47 PM
could you please tell me where i can buy these boots?
thanks jack
Posted by: jack | May 23, 2007 at 09:41 AM